Unique Graduation Announcements Wording: There are many ways to announce your graduation and today we have looked at What to Write On Graduation Announcements.
Announcing your graduation doesn’t have to be challenging, if you have some difficulty coming up with the right and Unique Graduation Announcements Wording go through this article and the right words will come to your mind
Unique Graduation Announcement Wording
1. Come and join me to celebrate my commencement day, it will be great day!
2. Proud to welcome you and witness my graduation.
3. Your presence and inspiration will add more joy to my graduation day, you are warmly welcomed to my graduation.
4. Honored to announce to you that after years of hard work, I will finally graduate. I welcome you to my graduation
5. All is set for a perfect graduation day. The only important person missing is you. I gladly invite you to this special day in my life
6. The journey in college was long but finally the journey is coming to an end . I hope to see you in my much awaited graduation ceremony
7. A happy graduation day is what I am looking forward to, with you among my honored guest. Welcome.
8. My commencement will not be complete without you. Proud to welcome you.
9. Cheers to the support you gave me. I am pleased to announce and invite you to graduation. This is our day to celebrate.
10. I did it, the road is well prepared for a promising career. Please come and celebrate with me.
11. It is not everyday we graduate. This day calls for a special celebration. You are much welcomed to the graduation.
Read: Christian Graduation Messages
High School Graduation Announcement Examples
1. Proud to announce the graduation of
Name of Graduate:
Graduation class of Year:
Name of School:
Venue of the graduation:
2. Happy to invite you to celebrate the graduation of
Bryson White
Class of {Year}
Rockland High School
East Wing Auditorium
At 2PM on June 5,{Year}
3. Come and join us to celebrate the joyful graduation {details of the graduation}
4. You are welcome to the graduation of{details of the graduation}
5. With lots of love we invite you to celebrate or daughters graduation{details of the graduation}
6. A unique opportunity to announce graduation of {details of the graduation}
Read: Religious Graduation Announcements
Own Graduation Announcement Messages
1. Hurray! Join me to celebrate my much awaited graduation.
Name of Graduate:
Graduation class of Year:
Name of School:
Venue of the graduation:
2. As I graduate, I now know anything is possible if I put our minds to it. You are much invited to the graduation at
Name of School:
Venue of the graduation:
3. It wasn’t easy but I did it, the level of happiness in my heart is at another level. I gladly welcome you to my college graduation at {name of the college} on {Date} at {Venue of the graduation}. The celebration party will later be at {Venue of the graduation ceremony}
University Graduation Announcement Examples
1. With lots of love and admiration I invite you to my graduation
Class of 2023
Jay Wendy Wilson
University of California
Masters of Education
Date: 18 May 2023
Location: University of California
Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
2. It has been four years of reading, researching, and exams, but I am proudly inviting you to my graduation ceremony at {details of the graduation}
3. We are happy to announce and invite you to celebrate with us on our Son’s graduation at {details of the graduation}
4. Please Join us at the graduation ceremony of {details of the graduation}. Your presence will be appreciate
Read: Opening Prayer for Event
College Graduation Announcement Wording
1. I Patrice June, am are delighted to announce and invite you to my graduation ceremony at
College: Texas Ray College
Degree attained: Bachelor of Computer science
Graduation date: May 25, 2023
Time: Beginning at 9:00 am Harvard in the fall
2. After much hard work and sacrifice I have successfully completed my college education. With much joy and pride i invite you to my graduation to be held on 18 May 2023.
Patrick Johnston
Southern California College of Information and Technology
Class of 2023
Bachelor of Information and Technology
3. You are joyfully invited to the Commencement Ceremonies of our daughter {details of the graduation}
Graduation Announcement Quotes
1. I may not know what lies ahead, but I am an happy to graduate.
2. Good luck to me as I get more power to read.
3. It is never easy challenging ourselves. A graduation today marks the end and the beginning of different chapters in my life.
4. I celebrate happily today. The finale of college life is today. Happy graduation day to me
5. My own words cannot put down the joy I feel inside. The journey to this graduation day wasn’t easy but I made it through
6. After much sacrifice, I have finally seen the fruits of my hard work. Cheers to a marvelous graduation
7. I can’t believe I did all the studying to just get a piece of a certificate.
8. It is a happy graduation day for me, hope college has equipped me for life’s challenges.
Conclusion: Unique Graduation Announcements Wording
As you wait to throw your cap in the air, you could also have a unique way of announcing your high school, college, or university graduation. The above Graduation Announcements Wording will help you come up with the best announcement of your achievement.

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