End of Month Thanksgiving Prayer Points: As the year ends, we have to take time and thank God for His guidance and protection. Being alive and seeing another year come to an end is a blessing that cannot be taken for granted. Below we have come up with prayers that can help you to appreciate God for all He has done. As you say your thanksgiving may the Holy Spirit guide you.
End of Month Thanksgiving Prayer Points
1. Thank the Lord for his provision that has enabled you not to lack anything.
2. Rejoice in the Lord and thank Him for His guidance that has allowed you to see the end of the month.
3. Give God all the glory for protecting you and your family.
Read: Thanksgiving Prayer for the End of the Month
4. Express thanksgiving for God’s fighting your battles for you, both physical and spiritual.
5. Thank God His word that guided your steps, decisions, and actions during the month.
6. Praise the Lord for helping you overcome temptations.
7. Thank God for establishing your plans throughout the month.
8. Be grateful to God for the personal and spiritual growth you’ve experienced over the month.
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9. Appreciate God for the good health that you have experienced through the month
10. Take time to reflect on all the answered prayers in your life and then appreciate God for all the answers you received.
11. For the joy and peace, you have received from God, thank Him and praise as the month comes to an end.
End of the Month Thanksgiving Prayers
“Dear God, thank you for the grace that has allowed us to see the end of month. We honor your Holy name for allowing us to achieve all what we have been able to. Each day was a blessing from you and may you forgive us our transgressions. As we look forward to a new month may you lead us. Bless us according to your will. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
End of The Month Prayer Message
1. Thank You, Lord, for your blessings that remind us how You have been faithful in our lives.
2. May you receive all the praises for the challenges and the lessons we have been able to learn and overcome.
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3. Thank you, Lord, for lighting our journey with hope, peace, and joy.
4. Through Your guidance we can witness another month come to an end, may Your grace continue to lead us in the coming month.
5. Receive our thanksgiving for giving us the strength to over our shortcomings. Give us the strength to face the future with hope and courage.
6. Gracious Father, as we bid farewell to this month, we thank you for our plans that have been fulfilled according to your will for our lives.
7. In a humble spirit, we ask you to guide our steps, direct our feet into the safe path.
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8. Like the good shepherd, thank you for leading us as we follow you. Let Your will be done in our lives.
9. Lord, please help us to walk in your obedience so that we bring glory to Your name.
Prayer Points of Thanksgiving at the End of the Month
1. Thank you God for your divine intervention that opened door and closed doors we would not have been able to with our effort
2. The good health and overall well-being you have accorded to us is greatly appreciated.
3. We honor you for the unity and peace you have given to us as a family. We entrust all our relationships to you.
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4. Thank you, God, for your word that continues to inspire us and allow spiritual growth.
5. We appreciate you for the goals and achievements we have attained this month.
6. Lord thank you for the godly contentment and peace you have accorded to us.
7. Thank you, Lord, for the answered prayers and petitions. Without you, it would have been impossible
8. Lord, I appreciate the challenges we have been able to face that have enabled us to grow and become better people
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Prayer Points for The End of the Month
1. Thank you for ending the month, may your godly wisdom and knowledge be with us to help us face another month.
2. Surround us with your Holy Spirit and protect us physically and spiritually. May you fight our battle in Jesus’ name
3. Help us see and be open to doing the work that will bring honor and glory to your name.
4. Lord may your promises over our lives be fulfilled this month.
5. May you bless the work of our hands so that we may have enough to meet our needs and help those who are in need.
6. Lord may you guard and guide our lives and lead us when we go out and come back
Conclusion: End of Month Thanksgiving Prayer Points
There is no specific way to pray and you go through the above prayers may God’s spirit guide you through your prayers.

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