Sunday Prayer for Family and Friends: The prayers of a righteous man avails much. That is why it is important to pray every day. When we talk to God the burden in our hearts is lifted. As you pray for your family things work out for the better. Below are Sunday prayers for family and friends that can give you insights on how to pray.
Sunday Morning Prayer for Family and Friends
“Dear Lord, I am so grateful to you for blessing us with a beautiful day. It is by your Grace that we can celebrate this Sunday. I commit this day before your able hands. Lord my family and friends are the blessing you have given to me. Let your wings of love cover them and keep away all the evil plans from the enemy.
This Sunday, renew their strength and dreams so that may live a fulfilled and purposeful life. Give us wisdom on how to walk in your ways. Shine your light into our paths. Send your powerful word to my friends and family and set them free from any burden that is weighing them down.
Father search our hearts and whatever is not pleasing, give us the power to let it go. Help us to seek your kingdom first, so that we may not lose our lives to destruction. Come and be the Lord in your heart. I pray this in Jesus’ name Amen.”
Read: Monday Morning Prayers and Blessings
Sunday Blessings for Family and Friends
1. My thoughts are with you this Sunday morning. May pleasant and lovely things come your way in Jesus’ name. Happy and blessed Sunday to you.
2. May the Lord help you to discover who you are meant to be. Reconnect with your God this Sunday. Blessed Sunday my dear!
3. God has assured us that He has given us everything we ask for according to His will. This Sunday, seek His will that you may live as created you to be.
4. The will of God for you this Sunday is to rejoice, pray without ceasing, and be thankful for everything.
5. Let the Lord renew your mind, if God is your mentor, success is something you will attract “
6. Involve God in your everyday decisions, even the small ones. Who you are today is because of your previous decisions and who you will be tomorrow depends on today’s decision. Be mindful of your actions.
Read: Thursday Morning Prayer and Blessings
Sunday Prayer Messages
1. I am thankful to God for giving us a bright Sunday. I pray your day will be full of blessings and peace from God. Happy Sunday my friend!
2. The best gifts in life are free, and God has freely given us another beautiful morning. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength. Blessed Sunday to you.
3. Happy Sunday to my love, it is joyful that I have seen the goodness of God. I pray for you to flourish like the beautiful flower you are.
4. The gift of life and the gift of a wonderful wife are a blessing I am thanking God for this morning. Rise my dear and celebrate this day. Happy Sunday.
5. Happy Sunday! It is another favorite day for me. I pray that the Lord will accept my thanksgiving and rain His mercies upon my life.
6. May the Lord open the floodgates of heaven and fulfill your heart desires this day. Happy Sunday!
7. It’s the start of a new week and new day. May this day be refreshing and relaxing for you. Trust you will renew your strength in the Lord. Happy Birthday.
Read: Morning Scriptures Devotional
Sunday Morning Prayer Quotes
1. Life without God is poor living no matter what we get or achieve in this life. Put God first. Happy Sunday!
2. Pray and purpose to be a blessing to someone today. Share the sunshine in your heart.
3. Don’t despise the days of small beginnings, your circumstance is not final.
4. As long as you prayed and confessed your faults before God, don’t let anyone judge you.
5. Today is the day you choose to become what you want to be.
6. This Sunday remember God created you to be successful, not a failure. Whatever you don’t choose to settle on failure.
Read: Prayers of Repentance in The Bible
7. This Sunday is special, embrace it because it is never coming back.
8. You were created to be a vessel of honor before God. May you find your God-given purpose.
Happy Sunday Prayer Messages
1. As you take a break from your busy schedule, may you bring joy and happiness to the people around you.
2. You are a complete person in Christ. Don’t waste your time trying to prove it to anyone. Happy Sunday
3. Blessed Sunday! May your testimony be of encouragement to others.
4. I am wishing you a happy Sunday. Live to your full potential, God will be disappointed in you if you don’t.
5. In all you do this Sunday, don’t forget that your direction in life is often more important that your speed.
6. Your name is important before God, don’t let anyone say otherwise. Cheers to a wonderful Sunday.
7. Have a blessed Sunday! God will be glorified through your life.
Read: Tuesday Morning Prayers and Blessings
Sunday Blessing Prayer
“Holy Father, thank you for your blessing upon my life. Your word says we should not be anxious but pray about everything. I know you can always supply our needs according to your riches in glory. Often we have because we don’t ask, or we ask in doubt and with the wrong motive. Help me Lord to believe in your promises, for you are the Lord who owns and created everything we see.
Lord bless the work of my hands. May your plans prevail over my life. Teach me your ways, so that I may apply wisdom to my life. I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I choose to do great things through Christ. Help me become what you intended me to be, I pray this believing and trusting in Jesus’s name, amen”
Read: Inspiration Saturday prayers and blessings
Sunday Prayer for Family and Friends
In God’s kingdom, there is no boredom, each day is special. Every day of the week is the day that the Lord has made. Your Sunday should be a day to renew your strength in the Lord. Find time to say Sunday prayers, and send happy Sunday messages and quotes to your family, friends, and loved ones.

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