Short Opening Prayer for Bible Study: It is important to pray before you start your bible study. Our prayers should be led by the word of God and the Holy Spirit. However, if you are not used to this kind of prayer you may not know what to pray for. Below we have looked at a sample of prayers you can say as you start a bible start.
Opening Prayer for Bible Study
“Our dear everlasting Father, receive all the honor and praise for there is no one else like you. It is because of your goodness that we gather here to study your word. May you forgive us of our sins and create in us clean hearts that please you. You said that man shall not live by bread alone, but from every word that comes from your mouth. Speak to us through your scriptures that we live for you. Let every word that we share be to honor you. Thank you our King for this bible study. Bless us and be with us, in Jesus’ mighty name we pray, amen.”
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Bible Study Opening Prayer
“Almighty God, we come before you with hearts full of thanksgiving and praise to you. It is another opportune time to study your enriching word. May you guide us so that your living word may counsel, rebuke, correct and encourage us. Speak to our hearts and make us learn your will for our life. We ask for your Holy Spirit to be with us now and forever more, amen.”
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Open Prayer for Bible Study
Lord, thank you for your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We gather here ready to learn from You. Send your Holy Spirit that he may enlighten us and reveal to us the true meaning of your word. Increase our knowledge and wisdom through your word. Bless us and be with us. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Opening Prayer Before Bible Study
Thank you Father for the chance to gather here and study your word. We seek spiritual bread for our souls.
Please speak to us through your word. Direct our path and inspires us so we can have a close walk with you. Renew our minds that we seek the things that please you and bring glory to your name. Help us to hear your word and above all, to obey it. In Jesus’s name, we ask, amen
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Prayer to Open a Bible Study
Mighty God, thank you for you are a Perfect Father. Without you, our lives will be lost. As we begin this bible study we call for a deeper experience with you. Help us to know the will you have for our lives. We know that Your word is truth and is sharper than two-edged swords. Sharpen our minds that we learn from you. Your words endures forever and we are glad to learn from it. Be with us and guide us from the beginning to the end.
We ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, amen.
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Short Opening Prayer for Bible Study
“Heavenly Father thank you for the opportunity to study your word. It is through your word that we get the chance to know you more. In our journey with you, your word is a lamp to our feet. I ask you to open our hearts and minds so that we may learn from you. Send us your Holy Spirit to be our teacher and guide. Revive our hearts that we put into practice what your word instructs us. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.”
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Conclusion: Short Opening Prayer for Bible Study
Prayer is a special way to talk to God, and it is important to pray as per God’s word. Learning how to pray cannot be taught, but with continuous prayer, one learns how to pray. Hope the above Opening Prayer for Bible Study has helped you have an overview on how to pray before your bible study.

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