Sermon Topics for Youth: Coming up with sermon topics for a youth group in church, school, college or community does not have to be challenging. The topics can vary from relationships, family life, school life, personal development, dating, and many more. To help you come up with the best topics for youth sermons we have compiled the below topics which are both interesting and applicable in real life.
Youth Sermon Topics
1. How to live a life that pleases God?
2. Sexual Purity in Christianity
3. Finding your God-given role in life
4. How to overcome fear and anxiety as a youth?
Read: Bible Study Topics for Young Adults
5. Overcoming temptations
6. Relying on God’s provision at all times
7. Dangers of materialism and love of money
8. Building your life’s foundation in the Lord
9. The biblical aspect of dating
Read: Revival Topics for Preaching
10. God’s words on alcoholism and drug abuse
Sermon Topics for Youth
1. Living a godly life through school life
2. The thin line between admiration and covetousness
3. How to forgive yourself
4. Living a godly life
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5. How to have a fulfilling life
6. How can a young man keep his way pure?
7. Important lessons we can learn from the life of Josiah.
8. How do we grieve the Holy Spirit?
9. The friendship between David and Jonathan
Read: Christian Names for Youth Groups
Topics for Sermons for Youth
1. How to build a godly friendship that lasts?
2. Making wise decisions
3. Importance of having godly discernment
4. How to manage school life, social life, and religious life
5. Trusting God’s will over your life
6. Honoring God in our relationships.
Read: Bible Topics for Preaching
7. Importance of building a relationship based on Christian values.
8. Developing goals that align with God’s purposes and values.
9. Overcoming negative thoughts in our life
10. Understanding your spiritual unity
Read: Short Christian Quotes for Youth
Best Sermon Topics for Youth
1. Finding a godly marriage partner
2. The importance of respecting your parents
3. Having healthy relationships in our homes
4. Conflict resolution in a Biblical way
5. Handling LGBTQ matters as per God’s word
6. The fight between good and evil in our lives
7. How to study the word of God effectively?
8. Identify false prophets and teachers as per the Bible.
9. Fighting corruption in the church
10. How to honor your parents?
Read: Bible Study Topics for Women
Youth Preaching Topics
1. How to deal with peer pressure and negative social media influence
2. Learning how to forgive
3. Applying God’s principles in your life.
4. How to build a better relationship after a heartbreak?
5. Understanding God’s original intentions for relationships
Read: Religious Games for Youth
6. Identifying Red Flags in Christian Dating
7. Embracing your identity in the Lord
8. Seeking God’s will in your career
9. Honoring God with your finances
10. Knowing your God-given gifts and how to use them to honor Him
Read: Sermon Ideas for Mother’s Day
Sermon Topics for Youth Sunday
1. How to develop a healthy body, mind, and spirit?
2. Biblical examples of a good relationship
3. Setting boundaries in dating
4. Having a mind of stewardship vs. ownership
5. God’s way of managing your finances
6. How to invest in eternal things
Read: Bible Icebreaker Questions
7. Importance of having a godly mentorship
8. Transforming your mind and renewing your perspectives through God’s word
9. Fighting spiritual battles
10. The life of Solomon and important lessons youths can learn from his life
11. The mentorship of Elijah to Elisha
12. The courage of Esther
13. God’s love for young people
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Conclusion: Sermon Topics for Youth
If you are a youth pastor, Pastor, or counselor looking for encouraging sermon topics for the youth, the above topics will be very suitable and applicable. To make any of the chosen topics interesting you can ensure integrates real-life examples and experiences

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