Spiritual Easter Quotes: Spiritual Easter Quotes add more meaning during this important period. Easter season is a time meant to celebrate and commemorate the perfect times when Jesus redeemed the world back to God. The death and resurrection of Jesus are what this season is all about. God gave his son that the lost souls may have a chance to spend eternity with Him.
We have combined some of the best religious Easter wishes and spiritual Easter quotes to help you wish your friends and loved ones happy times. If you have strained relationships that have gone on for sometimes you can use this season to reach out to the other person. As God forgave the sins of the world we should extend the same love to those around us. Show that true and unconditional love that is willing to do what seems impossible.
Below are Spiritual Easter Quotes that you can forward to your loved ones.
Spiritual Easter Quotes
Jesus bled on the cross for our sake. It’s time to celebrate and live fully because we no longer have to live in condemnation. Joyful Easter!
As you rejoice this Easter consider all the unfortunate people in the world, those who have never experienced the forgiveness of our sins. May we aim to reach out to the lost.
Read: Jesus Death and Resurrection Scriptures
Recall all the blessings God has given you over the years. As you celebrate Easter create the chance to give God all the glory. Happy Easter.
The road to Gethsemane wasn’t easy, Jesus sacrificed all to give us eternal life. Have a thoughful Easter!
Let not anything discourage you this Easter. You are bought with the priceless blood of our Lord.
Man’s greatest need is forgiveness; without it, we are haunted by our mistakes. It is through Christ we face true forgiveness. Wish you a relaxing Easter!
Happy Easter Mum, thank you for having guided me through godly paths.
Happy Easter! Let the faithfulness of God bring joy to your heart to a place where you live for Him all the
God’s greatest deed is forgiving, for Him to forgive us He shed the blood of His only son. This Easter let’s embrace God’s forgiveness and live for Him.
Religious Easter Messages
It is another season we remember how the love of God is unfailing. We may never fully know how to love unconditionally but in all ways I want you to know I love you. Have a wonderful Easter!
Among faith, hope, and love, love has proven to be the greatest. I wish you a laughter-filled Easter, full of love from your family.
This Easter season reminds me of the love God has shown us. Happy Easter and I look forward to seeing you soon
As we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord, let pray for each other. Rejoice for we have been made sons of God. Enjoy your Easter!
Happy Easter! It is a time to rejoice and be happy, for the blood of Jesus has set us free from the bondage of sin.
Rejoice, again and again, the empty grave of our Lord is good proof that one day we shall see Him face to face.
Let not your heart be discouraged or your soul be downcast for the love of God through His son is alive and with us. Have a fantastic Easter holiday!
Christian Easter Wishes for Family and Friends
This Easter don’t forget to celebrate the renewed hope we have in Jesus. Enjoy your Easter!
I wish you all the best this Easter. Your support and care towards me has been my greatest reminder that good people still exist. I will always treasure you, mum.
During this Easter season let us not forget that the love of God lifted us from nothing into becoming his children.
Christ didn’t die in vain, he purchased us with his blood. We are worth more than we could ever imagine. Cheers to a memorable Easter!
Religious Easter Wishes
For sure the third day He rose again, He conquered what no other man has ever done. Through Jesus, our destiny is well known. Cheers to a hopeful future with Him.
Let’s hold on to our faith this Easter, our Lord gave us the assurance that he will send us a helper.
It’s never in vain that Jesus rose again, it matters so much because we are now certain that the same fate follows those who love Him.
Happy Easter my friend! We know how real He is to us. Let our faith in Him be renewed, it is the only thing that we can fully trust in.
May God reveal to us what it truly means to be truly happy and free from sin. This Easter season let us give God a chance in our hearts.
Let always remember that we are not to wonder how our afterlife will be. Jesus paid for the price of our future destiny after this life. Have a wonderful Easter!
Happy Easter! It is a time to have a new start, let go of what may bring you down.
On the cross, he said it is finished! Jesus has all the power to do what He said he can do. Let us celebrate the price He paid for us.
Oh, Celebrate this Easter! Our Lord has risen! He gave us the true sign that one day we will live again.
Religious Easter Quotes
The gift of God is eternal life through our Lord Jesus. He died for us. Happy Easter!
Sins kill a man eternally, but what a wonderful chance we have through Christ, to live again if we allow Him to take our sins. Hope we shall unwrap the gift of God this Easter.
It is a great pardon for a man to be forgiven of death sentence, how much more is the forgiveness of once eternal death. Cheers to a wonderful Easter Monday!
Forgiveness is just a word; the value of forgiveness is only meaningful when accepted. This Easter holiday will you accept the forgiveness of God? Happy Easter!
Happy Easter, celebrate this season because you know you will never be put to shame for believing in Jesus.
2000 years ago our Lord died on the cross. Today we still feel the power of His cross and blood. Happy Easter!
Let your soul be glad, our Lord gave us the best. He laid his life that we may live again.
Funny Easter wishes
Exiting Easter to you! It’s a season to imagine the look on the Pharisees’ faces when they saw that Jesus’s tomb was empty.
It’s funny how they put a big rock on Christ’s tomb, if only they knew He would walk through it! Happy Easter
Fun filled Easter, it is the only season after Christmas when we have an excuse to eat the extra chocolate cake without raising eyebrows.
Happy Easter to you! Hope this is not the only chance you take to go to church!
Oh, it’s Easter! The season when I talk of the saving blood of Jesus and people look at me like I am talking in ancient LATIN. I love this season, time to evangelize more.
This is a wonderful season, Christ rose again! God ensured we would never have the difficult time of explaining where they took our Lord’s body.
Happy Easter, He rose again! The souls that denied Him and the eyes that crucified Him will see him come again!
Find Also:
Easter Wishes for Family and Friends

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