Non Traditional Christian Wedding Vows: If you are a Christian wishing to have Non traditional Christian vows for your wedding you have come to the right page. In this article, we have put together several samples of Christian wedding vows that will guide you to come up with the best vows for him or her.
Non Traditional Christian Wedding Vows
1. “Seeing this special day brings joy to my heart. God truly answers prayers. Taking you, {name} as my beloved wife is a dream come true. Before our family and friends, I promise to love and cherish you at all times. My heart, body, and mind will be faithful to you. May God help me in all I do, that I may love you as Christ loved the church. May God be with us till death do us part. Amen”
2. “This day I take you as my wife and I know we will continue growing together. I can’t help but be very grateful to God for allowing us to see this special day. The first day I met you was magical and I am really thankful to God for that day. Your beautiful face nearly made me stumble down had I not been more careful. Seeing your commitment to building a good relationship with God inspired me to know you more. I thank God for our love has bloomed well over the months and today I am happy to make you mine. I promise to love and cherish you through whatever life may bring us. In the presence of God, I make this vow”
Read: Christian Wedding Wishes
Christian Wedding Vows for Him
3. “It is powerful to be in love with someone who loves Jesus. The way you love me, shows me clearly that you are also loved greatly by someone greater than any person on earth. In your love, I see also the love of God. As we make this commitment this day I promise to love and care for you through all the circumstances in life. May our love and shared devotion to God continue to draw us more to God and to each other. Amen”
4. “As I take you as my husband, I vow to remain faithful to you. To give you my love and support always. I will not get tired of learning how to love you better. Through God’s guidance, I look forward to a life that is fulfilling with you by my side”
Read: Engagement Wishes for Niece
Christian Wedding Vows for Her
5. “2 years ago, I met you as a happy guy loving Jesus and living your life to the fullest. This day as I make my vow to you, I promise to continue loving, caring, and encouraging you to seek God’s guidance. My prayer is that you continue to be the man God created you to be. I may not know where God will lead us, but I pray I will add happiness to your life. In all circumstances that may come our way, I will hold on you to you and love you.”
6. In you I see my future, I promise to be the best husband and father to our future kids. You are the girl I always dreamed about and God has allowed us to be together. My love will be with you. May our life experiences draw us closer to God.
Read: Engagement Wishes to Daughter
Christian Marriage Vows
7. I, {name} take you, {name}, to be my wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day onward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, according to God’s holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow.”
8. {Name}, I promise to love you till our old age and in all situations. I believe each year our love will become better and our faith in God will grow stronger. I am so glad to have you in my life.
Non Traditional I Do Vows
9. “I know the girl I am marrying is not perfect, she is human and I will cherish the life I will share with her. I will give her all my love as long as I live. May God, who instituted marriage be a witness to my vows.”
10. “As we mark a new beginning in our lives, I vow on this wedding day to love you and take care of you. I may not have the formula for a perfect marriage but I know I will love you until God calls me home. May we grow in the likeness of Christ and our home brings lots of praise to Him.”
11. “From the first day, I saw you, I knew wanted you to be mine for the rest of my life. Have waited for this day and though it seemed like a thousand days, I will be ready to love even if it means in the next 1000 years. Let us choose to always believe in the God who never fails and He will make our path straight”
Read: Religious Bridal Shower Wishes
Conclusion: Non Traditional Christian Wedding Vows
The above religious marriage vows will help you get ideas on the best ways to come up with Godly wedding vows. The most important thing in Spiritual Wedding Vows is to ensure that they consider what God’s words say. Without God’s help, it is difficult to build a strong foundation for your marriage. As you say your vows let God be the reference point, where God is honored His spirit moves and makes things straight. All the best as you plan for your wedding

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