Short Christian Sayings: There are those days in life when we feel low and need some inspiration. As a Christian when in this situation it’s good to seek inspiration from the bible and Jesus Christ’s teachings. Through the below Christian sayings, you may be able to uplift your spirit and even be able to share hope and comfort with others in need.
Short Christian Sayings
1. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, He never fails.
2. Commit your plans to the Lord and He will bring them to pass.
3. Obedience is better than sacrifices.
4. Rejoice in the Lord always.
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5. He who began the good work in you will bring it to accomplishment.
6. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
7. God’s grace is sufficient for all.
8. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
9. Even faith small as a mustard seed, can move mountains.
10. Love is the greatest gift to mankind.
11. Be still and know that I am God.
12. Pray is the best weapon for Christians
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Christian Sayings Short
1. When you stand with God, nothing is impossible. Believe in Him and everything shall be well.
2. When you understand life is a journey and we are just passersby, you realize you have a purpose in life.
3. whenever we feel that we are not blessed, always remember there is someone who sees you as a blessing.
4. Don’t worry about what tomorrow brings, worry empties your strength.
5. You were created for a reason, a purpose in life; find the purpose and work diligently in the house of the Lord.
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6. Have faith, God is always with you, and in faith you find strength.
7. Whenever we feel like nothing is working for us, always look at the cross, pray and everything will just be perfect.
8. Sometimes you might face so many difficulties in life, but it is not because you are doing anything wrong, it’s because you are doing the right.
Motivational Christian Quotes
1. God has a purpose behind every problem.- Warren Wiersbe
2. God’s love is like a river, constantly flowing, always giving, and forever refreshing. – Max Lucado
3. God doesn’t require us to succeed; He only requires that you try. – Mother Teresa
4. The will of God will not take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us. – Billy Graham
5. Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength. – Corrie ten Boom
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Christian Inspirational Sayings
1. God is always present everywhere we go, He always avails himself to those who see Him.
2. Your heart should always be hidden in God, See Him and He will always be your protector.
3. Everything shall come to pass, but your life with Christ will last forever.
4. Always put God first in everything you do and your plans will always succeed.
5. Don’t give up, there is nothing impossible with our Lord, He is the creator of everything and His intentions are right.
6. God will never leave you; He will ensure that everything that He started in you will see it to completion.
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7. It is satisfying to walk in the Christ foot steps.
8. Faith is everything you need to have, it takes away your daily trouble and questions.
9. Be faithful in the small things given to you, because it’s through them you shall be added greater things.
10. Talk to God every day, not when you feel like or when you have problems. Make an appointment with the Lord always and you will see how his word is so powerful.
11. It does not matter how dirty you are, or how many wrongs you have made, God will always lift you up, take you in just the way you are, wash you and make you a whole new being.
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Religious Inspirational Sayings
1. God loves us so much; He cannot leave us the way He found us. He will always transform and bless us.
2. A Christian is a light through others see God.
3. Give and you shall receive abundantly, for He is a living God and keeps His promises.
4. Our strength comes from the Living God. Praise Him and believe in Him. He will always answer your prayer.
5. Christianity helps you to mind about others well being.
6. The more you read his word, the more you understand Him. He is a living God, true to his promises.
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7. God proved His love for us on the cross, when He died, and rose just to save us from our sins.
8. A Christian life without prayer is more like you are not breathing.
9. Be positive about life, spread the happiness.
10. Christianity is not a path to avoid your responsibilities, but a path a life that walks you through the life of Christ.
11. Climb the steps of life with a sense of confidence, you can only do this when you understand God, and purely given your life to Christ.
Encouraging Christian Sayings
1. Whatever is worrying you, try to forget about it, think positive and firstly put God first in everything.
2. If all you think is about negativity, you have wasted the day.
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3. Talk Positive, Think Positive, Feel Positive. Renew your mind and always seek the kingdom of God.
4. We are all faced with life challenges, how we handle and what we believe in is what determines how we overcome them.
5. Be faithful in the small things in life, because it is through them that your strength comes from.
6. Continuous living in Christ is the key to unlocking our potential.
Encouraging Christian Words
1. Count your blessings everyday and not your problems.
2. There is no one who is a lesser being in the eyes of God.
3. You have countless possibilities to succeed in life. God has a plan for you.
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4. When you believe in Him, you future will always be secure. Have faith in God.
5. When you come to God, you will never go away the way you came, you will always notice a big difference.
6. Christian life is all about faith and helping others.
7. We must not just limit ourselves to the local area, our God is Global.
8. God has not changed, He was the same yesterday, He is the same today and will be the same tomorrow. He is always ready to listen to your prayers.
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Christian Inspirational Messages
1. You don’t need anyone else to succeed, all you need is God.
2. The Greatest inspiration in our life is Jesus Christ our savior.
3. No one can make you feel less human unless you allow them to
4. We receive Jesus care at individual level, Believe in Him and He will answer your prayers.
5. Don’t forget God is your number one friend; He is always there to listen to you. It does not matter the story, whether good or bad.
6. When you give yourself to God, He restores your broken life.
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Conclusion: Short Christian sayings
Different times in life call for one to be well rooted in God’s word. Having unwavering faith requires constant reading of God’s word and relevant Christian material. With above short Christian sayings and quotes you will be inspired to stand strong to the end of any trial or temptation.

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