Happy 3 Months Birthday Wishes: Your special angel is turning 3 months and you are excited to see them grow so fast. At 3 months you may not necessarily have a birthday, but you can come up with 3 months wishes that can express the happiness you have. You could also want to say something inspirational on a social media post, photo, or journal. We have come up with unique Happy 3 Months Birthday Wishes as outlined below.
Happy 3 Months Baby
1. Happy third birthday sweetheart! Your mum is too joyful to see you turning 90 days. You are exceptional, I can’t wait to see you crawl, talk and walk. Love you, my angel.
2. I don’t know why but for me turning 3 months looks like a cool time to wish you a happy birthday. You are the love of my life.
3. For me, at only 3 months and you are a treasure that I can never trade for anything. Cheerful 3 Month Birthday Baby.
4. The desires of my heart were granted to me the day I saw you. You are my miracles from heaven. Happy 3 months birthday to you.
5. As we wait for you to blow out your 1st birthday candle I take time and wish you a Happy 3 Month Birthday.
Read: Happy 6 months Baby
Happy 3 Months Birthday Wishes
1. I may not be the best mother in the world but surely I know I have the best baby in the world. Happy 3 months birthday to you.
2. How satisfying it is to have a bundle of joy like you. I pray you will be the best that God created you to be. Happy 3 months baby
3. A special feeling is in my heart today. I cannot wait but wish you a blessed day as you turn 3 months today.
4. I am so delighted to wait for another 9 months to wish you a happy birthday. Each day I celebrate having you. Happy 3 months baby.
5. Unto us a bundle of joy was given, I cannot fathom the goodness of God in my life for giving me a cute baby like you. Happy 3 months birthday to sweet angel!
Read: Happy 8 Months Baby
6. Happy birthday to you, my precious girl! Your first 3 months in my little house have been a great delight. It is never an achievement but a wonderful blessing.
7. I may never have gold or diamonds but having you is the jewel I will ever have. Can’t wait to see every step of your growth. Happy 3 months baby.
8. Happy 3 months birthday to you, it has been a fun moment having you. You have made me stronger and more focused on life. Love you.
3 Month Birthday Wishes for Baby Boy
1. Happy 3-month birthday kiddo! It has been 3 months of awesomeness. You are the baby boy I always prayed for. I look forward to many more special days with you.
2. For the past three months, you have been my morning star, I love how you have taught me to be someone so caring and loving. Happy 3-month birthday my boy.
3. You are an incredible boy! It is a pleasure to watch fall asleep each day, though you have given me many sleepless nights. Happy mini-birthday to you.
4. For the last 3 months have laughed more than have ever before. Happy 3-month birthday to you.
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5. You are the little superhero in my life. Your beautiful eyes beautify my world with happiness. Cheers to your 3-month birthday.
6. Since I held you in my arms, I have learned what it means to be a mother. I am so grateful to God for giving me a handsome boy like you. Happy 3-month birthday.
7. I have no right words to celebrate you my boy, but each moment I thank God for blessing my world with you. Happy 3-month birthday.
8. It takes me no effort to love you. You are an adorable baby boy. May you live to grow and become a God-fearing boy. Happy 3-month birthday.
9. Although there is no special cake or party, we still celebrate you at 3 months. Happy 3 Month Birthday.
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3 Month Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl
1. I look at you and I see affection and happiness all in one look. Happy 3-month birthday to my lovely baby girl.
2. A look back at the past 3 months and I realize that there will always be instances where I will be loved no matter what. With you, I have every reason to rejoice. Happy 3rd month birthday.
3. Hurray, it’s been 3 months and I can’t hide the feelings anymore. Being a mother to a sweet girl like you is incredible. Happy 3rd month birthday to you, my precious girl.
4. Happy 3 month birthday to you my princess! May you grow to become a lovely and God-fearing girl.
5. It is precisely 90 days since you came into our world. Our house is warmer and more cheerful. We love you and Happy third month birthday.
6. You are the apple of my eye. Today marks 3 months since you gave us a new title in parenthood. May the favor of God be with you. Happy 3rd month birthday.
7. Although you cannot understand my message today, I know you will one day. You are my shining star. To have you in my life is to have the best. May heaven’s love be with you. Happy 3 month birthday, my angel.
8. I knew I had a unique connection to you the moment you placed it in my hands. You have a special way of touching my heart. Cheers to you as we celebrate your third month birthday.
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3 Months Old Baby Quotes
1. It is a joy to see the innocence in a child’s eyes. It has been 3 months of sweet moments.
2. Every smile from a 3-month-old brings an honest smile to one’s world. We love you.
3. In a child’s heart, there is bigger room for love. May that love be felt by everyone around you.
4. The small grip by 3 months reminds one that children are a blessing. Happy 3-month birthday.
5. A child fills our hearts with love we can never find anywhere else. It’s been 3 months and 3 weeks full of joy.
6. Nothing is more satisfying than seeing a tiny baby grow to become a big baby.
7. How fast they grow, within 3 months’ clothes become smaller and diapers become bigger. Happy 3-month birthday.
8. Even the smallest mother is a superhero to their little angel. Happy 3rd month birthday wishes baby
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Happy 3 Months Quotes for Baby Boy
1. Minute hands clutching on my index finger is like a dream come true. The moments will always cherish, Happy 3 Month Birthday.
2. They say a baby brings restlessness into one’s world but to me, you have been a calm, cool and adorable baby. Happy 3 Month Birthday my baby.
3. Love conquers all, I will always be there for you. You are the reason I choose to become a better person. Happy 3 months, my baby boy!
4. My love for you goes to the moon, to outer space, and back. I have faith that God is going to help me bring you up in the best way possible.
5. Your life always shines brightly to bring hope to my world. We have enjoyed the past 3 months. Happy 3 Month Birthday Baby.
6. I cannot wait to see the great plans God has for your life. Nonetheless, until then, I will treasure every moment with you. For she is my adorable gift.
7. I know I did nothing to deserve you, but with God’s help, I will forever aim to give you the best upbringing. Happy 3 Month Birthday my boy.
Read: Birthday Wishes for Baby Girl
Happy 3 Months Baby Girl Messages
1. I can’t believe it’s been only 92 days since I said, welcome home baby! I feel like you have always been part of me. Happy 3 Month Birthday Baby.
2, I have learned that the treasures of life are found in the most priceless things. You are the gem in my life. Happy 3-month baby.
3. It takes the hand of God to take care of a delicate and small baby. I don’t know how I did it, but you are now 3 months. I am so thankful to God. Happy 3 Month Birthday, my girl.
4. Happy birthday to a lovely girl. Only at 3 months and you know how to express your love. I pray that your purpose for this life will be revealed to you at the right time.
5. It touching to see a little one with a similar look to mine. Every time I look at you I see another version of myself. I know you will achieve great things than have ever done. Happy 3 Month Birthday Baby.
6. Although you are young, I have jubilations in my heart for the far you have grown. Cheers to the cutest 3 months old baby.
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Conclusion: Happy 3 Months Birthday Wishes
As a parent, there is nothing that can hinder you from celebrating your baby’s birthday. At 3 months you still celebrate the difference your child has brought into your life. Don’t be afraid to become a happy parent. All the best as you look for the right birthday message for your 3 months old baby boy or girl.

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