Friday Morning Blessings and Prayers: The word of God is like our life jacket. It prevents us from shrinking in water when the raging storms capsize our lifeboats. This Friday morning take time and pray, and ask God to be kind in your life. Encourage a friend or loved one with Friday Christian Prayer Quotes.
You may never know the power behind your Friday Morning Prayers for Family and friends, so pray even when you don’t feel like praying.
Below are Friday prayers and blessings
Friday Morning Blessings and Prayers
Good Morning Friday Prayer
“Oh, Lord! Your name is like no other. To all who call on your name and believe, you hear them from heaven. Like the woman who touched the hem of your garment, Jesus, I choose to call on you. When I see all that you have done, my heart worships you. It is a special Friday, the day that you have made. Mighty God, the one who calms the storms on the ocean with a single word, may all the honor be unto you.
Also Find: Saturday Morning Prayer Quotes
Friday Morning Blessings
1. May your Friday turn out better than the previous one. Blessed Friday
2. Happy Friday to you! I wish you a day filled with laughter and tears of joy.
3. Smile and be cheerful this Friday, this is the perfect will of God at all times.
4. Let the Lord come into your life, there is nothing better that Him in this world
5. Don’t be afraid to show God your weakness, even in the lowest moment God is still your friends
6. The mercies of God will always find you, don’t go away from Him.
7. May the Lord turn your morning into dancing. Have a joyful Friday
8. May the Lord who turned the sea into a pathway be with you this Friday.
9. Our King and Lord have never lost any single battle and He is not losing ever. Hold on to Him
10. May the God who made Abraham a father at 100 years be with you and bless your Friday.
Read: Morning Scriptures Devotional
Christian Quotes for Friday
1. “When the Lion of the tribe of Judah is in your heart, you have nothing to fear on this day.”
2. “May your stream of joy get more refreshing from Jesus’s reservoir”
3. “Nothing will put your life into a better perspective than the thought of a dying Savior on the cross.”
4. “We serve a loving God. More than we can ever imagine, He is more ready to forgive us than we are ready to offend.”
5. “For the sake of 1, our Lord can leave the 999 to look for 1 who is Lost.”
6. “Our Lord knows the way through the storm and the wilderness. All you have to do is follow him.”
Read Thursday Morning Prayer and Blessings
Friday Christian Quotes
1. “A beautiful Friday to believe you can do all things through Christ.”
2. “A Friday to reflect on the Lord’s goodness in your life.”
3. “Just because it is difficult doesn’t mean it is impossible. You can do it.”
4. “Commit time to seek the Lord, those who seek the Lord in secret are often rewarded in broad daylight.”
5. “When we make the Lord our everyday companion. Miracles will become part of our lives.”
6. “A man’s contentment is in his mind, not in what he possesses.”
7. “In all, you do get to Christ someway, anyway, for if you get to Him you shall live.”
Read: Have A Blessed Weekend Messages
Friday Christian Blessings
1. Have a divinely blessed Friday! May this special day shine brightly like the morning star.
2. May the peace of God rule in your heart this Friday.
3. You are the child of the highest God, no evil plans and adversaries will get to you, amen
4. Have a blessed Friday covered by God’s love and protection.
5. I pray that all your plans will come to pass on this God-given day
6. I believe that this day will be a new beginning for you to achieve greatness in your life.
Read: Religious Spiritual Good Morning Wishes
Friday Prayer
I commit this Friday before your My Lord. I want to live like a person who knows how Great God Is. You are doing great things in my life and to those who are around me. Although, I am weak Lord, strengthen me that I may please you and be used by you. Help me be a blessing to other people. In my workplace and everywhere I go, Lord fill me with knowledge and understanding on how to handle the people I meet. Amen”
Friday Morning Prayers for Family and Friends
Father in heaven, thank you for your faithfulness. It is because of you that we have seen another Friday. Receive all the honor for my good health, sound mind, and your unfailing providence in my life. As the week is coming to an end, I still commit my family and friends to your able hands. Meet them at their points of need, so that your name may be glorified. Lord we are the clay and you’re the potter, make us into what us to be. We would be nothing without you, if you take your Holy Spirit from us, our lives would be less meaningful. Surround us with your love and protection this Friday. I pray in Jesus, amen.
Read: Best Good Evening Messages
Friday Bible Verses
Exodus 14:14
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Nehemiah 8: 10 (b)
Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Psalm 1: 1-3
1 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season
Psalm 27:1
1 The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid
Read: Religious Good Morning Messages for Him
Conclusion: Friday Morning Blessings and Prayers
The above article has looked at End of Week Prayer that will bless your day. The selected bible verse for Friday will additionally lead your heart to more worship for the Lord. Seeking the Lord early in the Morning has its blessing. You will likely hear the Lord’s voice when you are less engaged and when your mind is not distracted. As you take time for your Friday devotional, ensure you come to Him in a humble spirit and a contrite heart. Blessed Friday

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