Encouraging Words for Missionaries: Missionary work requires full commitment and dedication. Missionaries face different challenges in the mission field. There are many ways we can support missionaries including financial support, prayers, and encouragement. If you are looking for the best encouraging words for someone going on a mission trip, you can go through the below messages.
Encouraging Words for Missionaries
1. Be encouraged your, willingness to preach the gospel is an eternal investment that God is pleased with.
2. As a missionary, the presence of the Lord is what will complete your mission trip.
3. Thank you for allowing your life to be a vessel of honor, to reach out to the lost souls. May God be with you on the mission trip.
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4. Every missionary is great! The greatness of God lives in you to do wonders in both small and big ways.
5. As you continue with great missionary work, Jesus said He is always with you even to the end of ages. Just call on Him and He will answer.
6. As a missionary always keep in mind that it is your work to preach, but it is God’s work to convert a soul.
7. May the Holy Spirit be your best weapon each time you are in and out of the mission field.
Encouraging Words Missionaries
1. Through Christ, a missionary has been made a light to the lost souls.
2. It is a noble course to bring salvation and hope of eternal life to the lost. God bless you.
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3. As all creation yearns for the coming of the Messiah, every missionary becomes a beacon of hope that their work continues to usher in the coming of the Lord.
4. Any service offered for the Glory of God is never in vain. God sees and rewards his people greatly.
5. As a missionary, believe in the power and authority of Jesus who commissioned us to go and make disciples of all nations.
6. If Jesus could send some imperfect disciple to preach the Gospel we can be assured, He can send us too.
7. There is no place on earth where Jesus didn’t allow disciples to be made. Go out and bring more disciples into the Kingdom.
8. As a missionary, always keep in mind that once you plant the seed, it takes the hand of God for the seed to grow to maturity.
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Encouragement Quotes for Missionary
1. “The mission field is a place of blessing, not burden, when you are being faithful to what God has called you to do.” — David Platt
2. “The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time.” — Carl F. H. Henry
3. “To know the will of God, we need an open Bible and an open map.” — William Carey
4. “The best missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It needs no furlough and is never considered a foreigner.” — William Cameron Townsend
5. “God isn’t looking for people of great faith, but for individuals ready to follow Him.” — Hudson Taylor
6. “The missionary heart: Care more than some think is wise. Risk more than some think is safe. Dream more than some think is practical. Expect more than some think is possible.” — Howard G. Hendricks
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7. “The greatest missionary is the Bible in the mother tongue. It needs no furlough and is never considered a foreigner.” — William Cameron Townsend
8. “Missionaries are very human folks, just doing what they are asked. Simply a bunch of nobodies trying to exalt Somebody.” — Jim Elliot
9. “We have all eternity to celebrate our victories but only a few hours before sunset to win them.” — Amy Carmichael
10. “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” — William Carey
11. “The missionary spirit is the spirit of Jesus, the spirit of the incarnation and the cross.” — Samuel Zwemer
12. “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies.” — Hudson Taylor
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Conclusion: Encouraging Words for Missionaries
As you share the above encouraging words for mission trips, remember to pray and commit the missionary to the perfect hand of God. Additionally, take time to understand their needs and offer support where you can.

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