Ellen White Quotes on Prayer: Ellen had several inspirational messages about prayers, education, health and other important issues. Today we have looked at some of the memorable Ellen White quotes from her famous books such as “Steps to Christ”, “Prayer”,” Letters to Young Lovers”, and Messages to Young People. The below quotes on prayers are not only informative, but they will also educate you more on how to pray.
Ellen White Quotes on Prayer
Below are Ellen’s quotes about prayers from her famous book “Step to Christ”
1. “Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend.” Pg 96
2. “Prayer does not bring God down to us but brings us up to Him.” Pg 96
3. “God is always ready and willing to hear the sincere prayer of His humblest children.” Pg 97
4. “The darkness of the evil one encloses those who neglect to pray.” Pg 98
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5. “Prayers is the Key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse.” Pg 98
6. “When our prayers seem not to be answered, we are to cling to the promise; for the time of answering will surely come.” Pg 99
7. “God is too wise to err, and too good to withhold any good thing from them that walk uprightly” Pg 99
8. “Perseverance in prayer has been made a condition of receiving” Pg 101
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Ellen White Prayer Quotes
9. “It is impossible for the soul to flourish while prayer is neglected” Pg 102
10. “Silent prayers are like precious incense before the throne of grace, Satan cannot overcome him whose heart is thus stayed upon God” Pg 102
11. “A closet of communion may be found wherever we are” Pg 102
12. “Keep your wants, your joy, your sorrow, your cares, and your fears before God. You cannot burden Him” Pg 103
13. “No sincere prayers escape the lips of which our heavenly father is unobservant.” Pg 103
14. “He who does nothing but pray will soon cease to pray, God doesn’t need us to retire from the world to devote to Him act of worship. Our life must be like Christ, – between the mountain and the multitude” Pg 104
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Ellen G White Quotes On Youth
15. “Youth remember that here they are to build characters for eternity.”
16. “Those who are older and experienced should watch over the younger ones”
17. “Young men and young women should gather a stock of knowledge, so as to have the ability to put to the tax the powers of mind and body”
18. “The youth should remember that their time, influence, capabilities, and skill are all accountable to Him who gives all.”
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Ellen G White Quotes On Love
19. “Our Savior wants us to be happy and find joy in our relationship with each other.”
20. “The warmth of true friendship and the love that binds the hearts of husband and wife are a foretaste of heaven”
21. “God has ordained that there should be perfect love and perfect harmony between those who enter into the marriage relation.”
22. “Let bride and bridegroom in the presence of the heavenly universe pledge themselves to love one another as God has ordained they should.”
23. “Without companionship, the beautiful scenes and delightful employments of Eden would have failed to yield perfect happiness.”
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Ellen G White Education Quotes
24. “True education does not ignore the value of scientific knowledge or literary acquirement; but above information, it values power; above power, goodness; above intellectual acquirements, and character.”
25. “The world does not so much need men of great intellect as of noble character. It needs men in whose ability is controlled by steadfast principle.”
26. “True education imparts this wisdom. It teaches the best use not only of one but of all our powers and acquirements.”
27. “God’s plan of life has a place for every human being. Each is to improve his talents to the utmost; and faithfulness in doing this, be the gifts few or many, entitles one to honor.”
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Ellen White Health Quotes
28. “It is a great thing to ensure health by placing ourselves in the right relation to the laws of life. A large share of the sickness and suffering among us is the result of the transgression of physical law”
29. “Proper exercise is a precious blessing.”
30. “Exercise and a free and abundant use of the air and sunlight—blessings that Heaven has freely bestowed upon all”
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Conclusion: Ellen White Quotes on Prayer
The above Ellen White Quotes are informative and enriching. They will add your knowledge on various matters that will help you live a balanced Christian life.

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