Christmas Prayers for Families: During Christmas, it is often easy to get so engaged in the celebrations that one forgets to say Christmas prayers for loved ones. Christmas is a period for love, families often unite to celebrate together.
To have a more meaningful celebration you can include one or two Christmas Prayers for Families, it could be a good Christmas Prayer, Christmas Morning Prayer, or Christmas Eve prayer for the family.
Below we have looked at several Christmas prayers. These prayers will enable you to come up with the right prayer during the holiday season.
Christmas Prayers for Families
1. “Dear God, thank you for enabling us to see another Christmas. We are all gathered together safe and sound, it has taken your Mighty hand. You have watched over us and we give you praise for that. As we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus, let your peace come into our hearts. Give us the grace to see another year. Surround us with your love and lead us on the right path in life. May your name be glorified now and forever more. Amen”
Read: Religious Christmas Messages for Family
Christmas Family Prayers
2. “Almighty Father, may your name be forever praised. Your hand of grace has kept all of us safe. As your children, we are gathered before you to thank you for your mercy and love. You have enabled us to overcome the challenges we have faced throughout the year. We count our blessings and we do not have enough words to thank you. We commit ourselves and all plans before you. May the love of Jesus be renewed in our hearts. Send your Holy Spirit to be our guide in the coming year. We pray in Jesus’s name, amen”
Read: Christian Christmas Card Messages
Short Christmas Prayers for Family
3. “As a family, we thank you for this special day. You gave us a savior that we can forever be called your children. We are happy for the birth of our savior, amen”
4. “Lord, as angels rejoiced on the day our Lord Jesus was born, so do we rejoice this Christmas. We pray for your perfect will upon our lives. Each day may you become our living water and bread. Bless us with your love and grace. Amen”
5. “Father in Heaven your name is Holy and worthy of our praise this Christmas. May the good news of the birth of Jesus continue to give us hope for eternal life. Embrace us with your unfailing love. Light our path with your favor, so that we forever walk in your ways. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Read: Short Christmas Prayer for Friends
6. “Lord, our Christmas prayer is that you will hold our hands and guide us through the journey of life. Thank you for the gift of Jesus, through Him, we know we have crowns of life waiting for us in heaven. Help us walk through life so we may one day see You. Amen.”
7. “Jesus, your love is unfailing, this Christmas we pray for all those who are suffering. We need you to bring hope, peace, and joy into our world, there is nothing better than your presence. Visit all those who are suffering. Turn their morning into dancing. Amen”
Read: Christmas Prayers for Friends
Christmas Morning Prayer for Family
8. ” Dear Lord, it is a beautiful Christmas morning that we take time and appreciate your love and kindness in our lives. You have protected our lives from so many dangers and we celebrate because you are the Lord who watches over us. We have put in place so many plans for this Christmas, we pray that all plans will come to pass according to your will. Above all, may you help us understand the true meaning of Christmas. May our love for you grow stronger each day. In Jesus, we trust you for a happy Christmas day. Amen”
Read: Christian Christmas Wishes, Messages & Quotes
Christmas Eve Prayer for Family
9. “Our Rock of ages, The Lord who never fails, we thank you for another Christmas season. You came into a sinful world that we have eternal life in your presence. This Christmas Eve, we celebrate the far you have brought us. Forgive us for the numerous sins we have done, this evening cleanses us with the blood of Jesus. May you search our hearts, if there dwell sin, forgive us and help us walk in your way. We look forward to a blessed Christmas and we know all our plans will come to pass in Jesus’s name. Amen”
Read: Thanksgiving Prayer at The End of the Year
Christmas Dinner Prayers for Family
10. “Lord, truly your promises over our lives have been countless. Thank you for the good health, sound mind, amazing kids, a roof over our heads, and more providence than we can say. As we share this Christmas dinner, our hearts are full of thanksgiving. Our lives would have turned differently if it wasn’t for your grace. We choose to give you all the glory for all you have done for us as a family. In Jesus’s name, we pray for you to bless this meal. Amen”
Read: Short Religious Christmas Quotes
Christmas Prayers Blessings for Family
11. “Lord without your blessings, this Christmas day will be fruitless and less fulfilling. We call upon your blessing in our lives. May the blessings of love, happiness, and hope be renewed in our hearts. As for us and our house, we shall serve you and we trust your blessing will be upon us, our children, and our children’s children. Your name shall forever be glorified in our lives. Bless our Christmas day. Amen”
Read: Christmas message to Church members
Conclusion: Christmas Prayers for Families
This holiday season, take time and say Christmas Prayers for your family. The mercy of God has enabled you to gather together this Christmas. It may seem like a family culture but seeing every family member calls for celebration and a Good Xmas prayer. All the best as you enjoy your Christmas with your family.

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