Christian Card Greetings: If you are searching for what to write in a Christian encouragement card, you have come to the right page. Christian greetings words should have kind words that portray the true godly character. You can easily create your Christian greeting card messages but to help you come up with the best we have compiled the below messages.
Christian Card Greetings Messages
1. Beloved Christian, let us love one another this wonderful season that the Lord has provided, for love is from God.
2. Let us rejoice and be glad for what the Lord has done for us today. May you enjoy God’s blessings today and in years to come!
3. Thank God for he has greatly blessed you. May you live longer to enjoy his blessings! Wish you a lovely year.
4. Every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. – James 1:17 (NIV)
5. You are always in my prayers, and I pray that you may feel the presence of God’s love, joy ad hope.
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Christian Greetings Words
1. May the unending grace of God be with you and make you a great person in Him. Good day
2. In the name of our Lord, I am sending you warm greetings full of love.
3. As the Lord visits His children this day, may His love and mercy fill your heart.
4. I joyfully wish you a blessed day full of God’s blessing and guidance.
5. May the Light of God shine on your path this day and in the future.
6. May you feel the abundant love of God in your life.
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Religious Card Messages
1. Hope your day is full of love and happiness. May it overflow with the best stuff from God. Wish you a beautiful day.
2. May you never lack anything in your life,the Lord be your provider always! May your heart be filled with peace, hope, joy, and faith from God’s heart.
3. I take this perfect chance to appreciate our friendship. You add so much value to my life and I wish you happiness and peace from God.
4. You are a gift from God. You brighten everyone’s life wherever you go. As we celebrate your day, I pray that God continues blessing you abundantly.
5. You are an amazing person; you are celebrated today because you are special to many people. Have a blessed week and year!
Read: Christian Farewell Messages
Christian Card Messages
1. Let there be happiness, let there be joy, let there be peace, let there be all kinds of blessings to make the year a wonderful one.
2. May God’s goodness fill every moment in your life!
3. Let the presence of the Lord be with you.
4. May your soul be joyful in the Lord!
5. This is the day that the Lord has blessed, rejoice and be glad in it
6. May the Lord bless you with peace, love, and happiness!
7. May your strength in the Lord be renewed!
Read: Christian Closing Salutations

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