Bible Topics for Preaching: From the book Genesis to Revelation many preaching topics can be developed to come up with great sermons. The Bible is the best reference when it comes to developing preaching topics. Some lessons can only be learned from bible stories and illustrations. So if you are looking for a Topic for Bible Preaching you can go through the below topics and then develop a sermon based on Holy Spirit revelations from God’s word.
Bible Topics for Preaching
1. Faith in God’s promises
2. The God who keeps the covenant
3. The Ten Commandments: God’s laws that remain relevant through generation
4. The church and God’s presence
5. The golden calves in our present lives
6. Standing in the gap for others
Read: Bible Icebreaker Questions
7. Maintaining Generational Faithfulness to God {Deuteronomy 6:4-9}
8. Sibling Rivalry, forgiveness and Reconciliation
9. Seeking God’s Guidance
10. Building a good legacy in the LORD
11. Why Christians ought to give tithe and offerings
12. Caleb and Joshua’s courageous faith
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13. Breaking the cycle of Sin in our lives
14. Leadership in Crisis
15. Gideon’s journey from doubt to faith and obedience
16. The role of the Holy Spirit in empowering believers in the early Church
17. Importance of Fasting in Church
18. Power of United prayers {Miraculous Release of Peter}
Read: Encouraging Sermon Topics
Topics to Preach From the Bible
1. How to Stand firm like Joseph in present times
2. Bringing down the tower of Babel into our lives
3. Jacob, the man who wrestled with God
4. The power of Lamb’s blood {Passover lamb’s blood and the blood of the Lamb}
5. Provision and dependence on God in the wilderness
6. Danger of Jealousy {Numbers 12}
Read: Sermon Topics for Youth
7. Great leadership skills from Moses
8. Loving God with all your heart
9. Choosing blessings or curses
10. A look at our Journey of Faith
11. Balaam’s greed
12. The sin of fear
13. Paul’s approach to evangelism
14. The Conversion of Philippian Jailer
15. Stephen’s Journey as a Martyrdom
Read: Encouraging Words for Pastors
Bible Preaching Topics
1. The Barren women whom God blessed with Children
2. Abraham’s Faith and Obedience
3. Importance of Sabbath
4. God’s mercy and justice
5. The Role of miracles in our lives
6. What are you willing to Sacrifice for the Lord
Read: Characteristics of Esther in The Bible
7. Qualities of successful Spiritual leaders
8. Ingratitude and complaining nature of man
9. Following God’s divine guidance
10. God equips and uses unexpected individuals for His glory
11. Samson: The strongest brought down by Moral weakness
12. The power of Persistent prayer {1 Samuel 1}
13. Importance of good character in leadership
14. Creation and how it portrays the God’s supremacy and order
Read: Revival Topics for Preaching
Biblical Topics for Preaching
1. Born to fulfill God’s purpose {Based on Moses’s story}
2. The Power of God’s Holy name
3. Consequences of Rebellion {Numbers 16}
4. The Power of Dreams
5. God’s providence in hardship
6. The fights and struggles to get into the Promised Land
7. God’s Faithfulness Throughout Generations
8. The Blessing of Obedience {Deuteronomy 28:1-14.}
9. Jephthah’s Vow: Keeping a vow to God at all cost
10. Ruth’s loyalty
11. Righteousness: The foundation for Lasting Peace and prosperity
12. Danger of Compromise
13. Building faith that will help us face spiritual Goliath
14. Hearing and answering God’s call
Conclusion: Bible Topics for Preaching
The above preaching topics have been developed from various books in the bible. As you seek to come up with a sermon, it is important to fully understand the topic you are looking at. Research on the context in which the teaching is based, as well as other passages that touch on the topic.

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