Bible Lessons for 8-10 Year Olds: If you are looking for a Bible study topic for beginners or toddlers between 0 to 3 years you have come to the right page. There are many biblical lessons you can teach young children, and it is important to have adequate preparation. To capture the children’s attention, ensure the topics are short, captivating, simple, and engaging. Below we have put together some of the Bible study topics lessons for toddlers.
Bible Lessons for 8-10 Year Olds
God’s Beautiful Creation- Genesis 1
Memory Verse: Genesis 1:1
In the simplest way, you can teach about God’s creation. How the earth was covered with darkness and water until God decided to create everything we see. Use many illustrations as you can.
God’s Creation
Day 1 Light
Day 2 Sky
Day 3 Land, Plants, and Trees
Day 4 Sun, Moon, and Stars
Day 5 Animals that live in the sea and birds
Day 6 Animals that live on land and man
Read: Bible Study Topics for Young Adults
Day 7 God rested
- Use toys and colorful pictures or toys to help them recognize and name different animals. plants and things created by God
- They can color pictures of God’s creation
- You can go out and let the children see God’s creation in the skies
- You can sing songs illustrating God’s creation
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Noah’s Ark- Genesis 7
Memory verse: Genesis 7:7
Share the story of Noah and the Ark, highlighting how God protected Noah, his family, and the animals during the flood.
- You can build a paper boat and let the children understand that God instructed Noah to build a big boat.
- Have animal toys or puppets to illustrate the animals that went into the ark e.g. Lion, bear, dog, etc.
- Put water in a container and put in floating toys to illustrate how the Ark floated as the water increased
- Let the children create or color rainbow art using different colored construction paper, crayons, or finger paints
- You can sing songs demonstrating the story of Noah in the ark.
God’s Love: John 3:16
Memory verse: Psalm 136:26
Teach the children about the unfailing love of God.
- Show Affection to the child through hugs or express affection by communicating in a loving and caring way.
- Teach them how to share and help them understand that sharing is a way of showing love.
- Read a Bible story that shows how Jesus loved children.
Read: Bedtime Prayers for Children
Memory verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Teach them to how to pray.
- Teach them a simple prayer like “Thank you, God, for our food. Amen
- Let them demonstrate folding of hands and kneeling down when praying
- Sing a song like” Read your Bible, pray every day, if you want to God.
Joash, the Boy King – 2 Kings 11-12
2 Kings 11: 21 “Joash was seven years old when he began to reign.”
Joash was 7 years when he became king of Judah. After Joash’s father, King Ahaziah, died his evil grandmother tried to kill everyone in the royal family. But Jehosheba, Josiah’s aunt rescued him and hid him in the house of God. For six years he was brought up by the High Priest. The High priest taught him the correct things in God’s eyes. On his seven birthday, Joash became the King of Judah. He was a good boy who ensured true worshipped in the house of God. However, after the death of the high priest, he turned away from God and did bad things
- You can make the children hide in the same manner Joash was hidden by his aunt.
- Highlight how God protected Joash.
- Sing a song that illustrates the story of Joash.
- Create paper crowns, like the one put on Joash when he became king.
Read: Bible Verses on Teaching Children
The Servant Girl who helped Naaman: 2 Kings 5: 3
Illustrate Naaman was a mighty warrior and how he became sick. Make the children understand that his sickness brought saddest to him and his wife. Bring out how the servant girl suggests to her master to visit Elisha for healing of leprosy.
- To create an activity related to the story set up a small water basin and have toddlers dip their fingers in the water seven times to mimic how Naaman’s went into the river seven times.
- Sings song illustrating how Naaman went in the river seven times.
Bible Lessons for 6-8 Year Olds
Animals in the Bible: Genesis 1: 24
Introduce children to animals mentioned in the Bible, such as donkeys, lions, bears, sheep, birds, and fish. To engage their senses, they can draw, color, or make sounds produced by these animals
Read: Bible Icebreaker Questions
Jesus and the Children: Matthew 19:14
Let the toddlers know that Jesus loves all the children of the world. Demonstrate how Jesus allowed the children to come to Him when the disciples tried to rebuke them. Additionally, you can have pictures of Jesus and the children.
Jesus Calming the Storm: Mark 4:35-41
In this topic through visual aid or actions, you can demonstrate how the disciples were scared when the boat was being shaken by the storm. Make sounds of strong winds, thunderstorms, and lightning. Finally, say the words used by Jesu to calm the storm i.e. “Quiet! Be still!” Help the kids understand that Jesus takes care of us.
Read: Sermon Topics for Youth
Creation of Day and Night: Genesis 1: 16
Bring out to the toddlers the concept of how God created day and night. Illustrate the things that differentiate day and night like the moon, star, and sun.
Kindness: Luke 10: 30-35
Using pictures or any other visual aids, share the story of the good Samaritan. Emphasize what it means to be kind and share with others.
Bible Study Topics for Beginners
- Jonah in the Belly of Fish
- David, the Shepherd Boy
- Moses, the Boy saved by God
- Daniel in Lion’s Den
- Jesus calms the Storm
Conclusion: Bible Lessons for 8-10 Year Olds
It is important to keep in mind that children have a lower concentration and their lessons should be short, repetitive, interactive, and engaging. Simplify each topic to consider age-appropriateness. Additionally, children learn best through hands-on experiences and visual aids.

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