Bedtime Prayers for Children: Teach your child how to pray, a bedtime prayer for a child should always be short and easy to remember. When you teach a child how to pray even when they grow up, they will always put God first in everything they do.
Today we are going to look at Short Bedtime Prayer for a Child. Let these short prayers for children before bed inspire you to find the perfect prayer words to teach your child.
Bedtime Prayers for Children
“Our father, who is art in heaven, we thank you for taking care of us through the day, we thank you for your protection and guidance. Thank you for the night, we pray for your protection through the night. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”
“Father, all these days you have led me, thank you. I thank you for your protection and guidance. Tonight I pray for forgiveness, and protection through the night. Amen.”
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Bedtime Prayer for Kids
“Thank you God for in our sleep your protection has been with us, I commit this night to your hands. Watch over us. Amen.”
“Dear God, I pray for your peace as we go to sleep. Send your angels to watch over us. We honor your name now and forevermore. Cover us with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”
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Short Bedtime Prayer for Child
“God as we go to sleep send your loving angels to watch over us. In Jesus’ name, amen”
“Father, we come before you, thanking you for the gift of life you have given us. Thank you for the pleasant day. Help us to do things according to your ways. Guide us through the night until morning. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”
“Father, forgive me for all the wrongdoings I might have done today without my knowledge. Help me to be good and kind to others. I am asking you to watch over me and give me a good night’s sleep. Amen.”
Night Time Prayers for Toddlers
“Father, I pray for your forgiveness, make me strong, and help me to walk on the right path. Help me to be kind and caring for others. I am asking for your protection and a good night’s sleep. Amen”
“Lord, hear my humble prayer, bless me tonight. Through the night darkness, keep me safe, until the morning sunshine. Amen.”
Prayer Before Bed for a Child
“Our father, we come before you this evening, help us to be kind and good to others, Help us to grow more caring and loving every day. Thank you for the night, as we go to sleep, protect us through the night. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”
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Goodnight Prayer for Kids
“Father, as I lay down to sleep, I thank you for your protection through the day, Guard me through the night and wake me with morning happiness. Amen’
‘God, I come to thee, full of thanks for a beautiful day, thank you for being with me all day and making my day memorable. As I go to sleep, help me Lord to sleep peacefully, in Jesus’ Name I Pray. Amen.”
“Our Father who is in heaven, we come before you this evening, thank you for the countless blessings in our life. Send your angels to guide us while we sleep. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.”
“God in heaven, give me good health, keep me under your protection and loving care. Be my guide in everything I do. Amen.”
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Bedtime Prayers for Toddlers
“God, I know you are always everywhere, when we ask in prayer you never fail to hear us. I pray for your protection through the night and glory is unto you when I wake up in the morning. Amen”
“Thank you, God, for being there for me when I need you most, guard me as I sleep. Bless our home. May it never lack anything and wake me up with the morning’s light. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.”
“Thank you God for today’s gift of life, as the light has gone, I pray for you to keep watch on our family. Send your angels to protect us through the night. Give us a peaceful night.”
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Bedtime Prayer for Protection
“Father, you are an amazing God, we praise your name and thank you for the gift of life. Give us our daily bread and we ask for your protection through the night. Amen.”
“My father who is in heaven, thank you for taking care of me and giving me good parents. You are a great God. Guide me to your path. Take care of me through the night. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
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Baby bedtime prayers
‘I come before you Lord; asking for your forgiveness, bless me, in my studies and play. Give me protection through the night. Amen.”
“Dear God, I have not been feeling well today, I pray for your healing, to make me feel better. Make my night comfortable and sweet. Amen.”
“Father, as I lay down to sleep, first I want to thank you for your protection through the day, I pray for your guidance and protection tonight. Let me sleep safely. Bless my family and friends. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
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Night Prayer for Kids
“Thank you, God for giving us such a wonderful day, and for taking care of us. I pray for your protection through the night. Wake us up in the morning with calm and hope for another day safe. Amen”
“Lord, you are so wonderful, thank you for guiding and leading us always. Help us to live in harmony and love one another. When we are tired, give us strength. Protect the places we pass. Bless us abundantly. Forgive us our mistakes and as we go to sleep, be with us through the night. Amen.”
“Lord, I come before you this evening, thank you for your guidance throughout the day. Help me to be a good child and protect me through the night. Amen.”
“God, send my guardian angel to watch over me through the night, protect me, and keep me safe. Bless my parents and give them plenty of joy. Amen.”
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What is a good bedtime prayer?
Good bedtime prayers are the best thing you can do just before you go sleep. Good Bedtime prayers should allow one to thank God for the day that is about to end or has ended, to ask for protection during the night, and to give advance thanks to God for giving one the chance to see another new day. Like other prayers, it takes faith to believe in this prayer. In short, a good prayer to say before you go to bed should be thankful and short. A long bedtime prayer will be interrupted by sleep.
Conclusion: Bedtime Prayers for Children
Saying a bedtime prayer with your child every night will help you bond with him or her. It will also help your child grow knowing there is a Living God who protects and takes care of us. A bedtime prayer for your child will also help your child sleep peacefully.

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